Posted in Family, Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: CROWD


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 don’t like crowdsI don’t like shopping either, if there is a crowd of people.  I don’t do Black Friday shopping.  Too many people.  I can even have a panic attack being at a ladies retreat – with a crowd of women, not knowing where I fit in or who to sit with.  

tubAnd, sometimes at home, it can also seem like there’s a crowd.  It can be one of those days when the kids have tattled one too many times, the phone has rung one too many times with either no one there or some soliciting calls . . . .the kids are still tattling . . . the Awana book is still missing along with the youngest’s glasses (again) and now, instead of the kids tattling . . . they are yelling the other child’s offenses real loud so I can hear them.  Calgon take me away is not far enough away.  There’s a crowd in this house and I need some time ALONE!  (Yes, you can send me to time out – alone somewhere!)

[A]nd great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities.
But He would withdraw to desolate places and pray.
Luke 5:15-16

No, I do not feed crowds like Jesus did – but sometimes five kids can seem like 5000 pressing in on me when the winter has dragged on and the kids need to run as much as I need ALONE.  An escape to my bedroom with no banging on the door, or mama can I come in; where are you mama, or can I have a snack  for just 20 minutes, sounds like an escape.  A weekend away to a cabin or hotel, alone, sounds wonderful too! It certainly was not that Jesus did not like the crowd of people. He loved them beyond measure.  But He too needed space. He knew He was going to die for them.  But He needed time away, alone, to pray and be with His Father.

I am learning to feel not guilty for wanting and needing time alone, from my mini crowd, that it is ok, to go to my room to read, alone, to pray, alone, to just breath, alone!

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fiveWe write for five minutes flat. 
All on the same prompt posted here at 1 minute past midnight EST every Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the hashtag #FMFParty (It stands for Five Minute Friday Party).

No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar,
font, or punctuation.

Unscripted. Unedited. Real.

Posted in Family

Five Minute Friday: {HIS} Garden


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 he mention of a garden sounds like – SPRING! 

I am so ready for spring.

I am anticipating spring, almost like a new life.  Walking around our various flower gardens in the spring, looking for the green heads poking through the dirt for a soon-to-be flower brightening up the dull brown background of autumn’s leftovers.   Fresh warm air to breath in.  I am ready!

I wonder what it was like to walk in that first garden
discovering newness –
discovering yet another pure flower unlike any other,
walking barefoot on warm soil,
no fears of prickers or a sharp rock cutting feet.  

And to walk beside Him in the garden . . .
hear Him talk, look at us, listen to us
God Himself showing details of what He created in the garden;
and to see, animals following along and jumping ahead
knowing they are with their Creator.  

No death in this garden
no flowers dying, trees rotting, animals sick

no wasps to fear
no skunks to run from.
No one to fear that we might see.
No one to avoid in His garden.

Imagine, walking through the garden with Him
And the trees of the field praising Him,
flowers leaning towards Him,
birds hushing as He passes by
A time to plant - plant memories with daddyHis creation not groaning as in the pains of childbirth.  

We get a glimpse of the awe
of His new earth and garden
when spring arrives,
and new life emerges in the garden
and trees wave with their new green buds

. . . Finish

fiveWe write for five minutes flat. 
All on the same prompt posted here at 1 minute past midnight EST every Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the hashtag #FMFParty (It stands for Five Minute Friday Party).

No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar,
font, or punctuation.

Unscripted. Unedited. Real.

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Posted in Five Minute Friday



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ow come the other day,   when a friend wrote on Facebook, to share our favorite childhood books, I could only remember one – Tikki Tikki Tembo
and as soon as I saw today’s Five Minute Friday word, VISIT, the book, Little Visits with God immediately came to mind.  It was a book that my dad would often read before bedtime.  I believe I had a copy of one when my older kids were young.  I might have to find another copy to read to my younger ones.

And then I laughed to myself when I thought of another word with VISIT.  I remember not having a clue when I first started college when my roommates said “Their friend came to visit” or “Aunt Flo came for a visit “.

As I think of the day, I am thankful how our married kids will come for an unannounced VISIT. They had a younger sibling come for a VISIT for the evening and brought her back and stayed awhile to VISIT  with us. Of course one of the best to  VISIT is my granddaughter. Oh I love to VISIT with her, and kiss her chubby little cheeks and listen to her squeal. I got her all dressed to go out the other day, and it was fun just to chat VISIT with her and tell her all about her mama!  She did listen quite intently!


Can you imagine what it will be like to someday, to sit and actually see Jesus, and VISIT with Him, like Adam and Eve did in the garden?  Certainly we can have our quiet times with Him now, which reminds me of the words to a song,

And He walks with me and He talks with me
And He tells me I am His own
And the joy we share as we tarry there
None other has ever known

Yes, we can have, little VISITS with God, like our friends and family, throughout our day.

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Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “
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Posted in Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: When TRUTH Hurts


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. . . sometimes it really, really hurts to very deep depths. Sometimes truth is very unexpected.  Sometimes, other’s truth is not our own truth.  Sometimes someone older, wiser, who has been walking with God a long time, we expect will know the truth yet are blinded by their own pains and pleasing others before doing what may be right.  What may seem truth in one person’s eyes, may not seem to be in another’s.  

We are told that time will heal and the real truth will be exposed, that apologies were truth but then, time goes back too many years and pains resurface and hearts are crushed and it’s in a fog we search for the truth, again.  

We question and plead with God to make sense of it and ask why. Only He knows the truth and how He can make beauty out of ashes.  And sometimes we have to start all over again, with forgiveness, and praying for God to

Guide me in Your truth and teach me,
for You are God my Savior,
and my hope is in You all day long.
Psalm 25:5

. . . Finish

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Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “
Posted in Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: Ordinary


ordinary [ˈɔːdənrɪ]
1. of common or established type or occurrence
2. familiar, everyday, or unexceptional
3. uninteresting or commonplace

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o seriously, what is ordinary?   Who really has an ordinary life? And what defines ordinary in our lives.  Being adopted, I often wondered what my birth parents looked like . . . who I looked like.  Scripture says we are made in the image of Jesus and the verse that gives us a glimpse of His appearance says:

 “He has no stately form or majesty
That we should look upon Him,
Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.
(Isaiah 53:2)

So I imagine if we walked past Jesus on the street, we’d not do a double look at Him.  Our children would not be staring at Him or pointing a finger at Him.  We’d think Him just an ordinary man – but little would we realize, He is SO much more . . . the King of Kings and Great Healer, the Savior and Great Redeemer, to name a few.  And it was just ordinary men who hung out with Him, even the ones Jesus chose to be His disciples.  

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realized
that they were uneducated and ordinary men, 

they were amazed and recognized them as companions of Jesus.
Acts 4:13

He even chose ordinary men such as tax collectors and fishermen to be His apostles. And what about Peter?  It is very hard to comprare nothing but  ordinary   by any means . . .  yet Jesus keeps pursing  ordinary, everyday people along with the  unordinary hurting, wounded, rejected ones who think they would be the last Jesus would ever choose.  

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Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “
Posted in Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: SHE invited me to Holy Ground


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he  was new at our knitting group this past Monday.  I had not seen her before.   She may have been in her early 80’s.  She spoke very pleasantly to the ladies, introducing herself, learning about the other ladies, and telling about herself. She was widowed for about 7 years, had lived in an assisted home for awhile, but then her son-in-law asked for her to come live with his family.  She affirmed she has the best son-in-law and still cannot believe how welcoming he has been and that it has been a good six weeks living with her daughter, son-in-law and children.

She spoke in such endearing terms, reminding me of Mrs. Doubtfire, but being REAL and much more beautiful and elegant!  She sat by me and asked what I was knitting and told me it was lovely. She asked about me, and I told her of my family and the excitement of expecting our first grandchild. Our grandbaby was due that day, (now 4 days overdue) and  told her how my daughter was very disappointed to have to go another week before they would induce her.  She told me she‘d be praying for her, and us, and stood up and then looked back and said, “We can pray for her.”  I questioned, awkwardly, “Right now? Here?”  while all the other ladies are knitting and chatting.  She caught me so off-guard – someone, just offer to pray, right then and there. We say we will pray for someone, but why not, then and there?  

featuredShe sat down by me, took my hand, and prayed so sweetly, so endearing to our Savior, for my daughter’s protection and a healthy baby.  I do not remember word for word what she said, but I knew I was on holy ground with her in an intimate conversation with Jesus.  And it was precious. She said later she wanted to meet my daughter and she‘d continue praying for her.  I believe she will and it was not just something for her to vainly say.  

I could not wait to see my daughter a bit later to tell her, and that someone special will be praying her through this waiting time.  She taught me something, to take those opportunities to really pray for someone – yes, right then and there.  

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Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “
Posted in Family, Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: Present


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So, I am sitting here at 2:25 am, wondering what I should write on for present, because at this present time, I am tired and want to go to bed.  But, I have a son out, too late, who told me over an hour ago he was just finishing up a movie at a friend’s house.  His brother that shares a room with him, 13 years younger, is presently laying on the couch, asleep, finally.  He keeps waking up, asking where his big brother is.  He’s only 6 years old, and is the only one of our 10 children, that have had to have a bedroom to himself at times.  All the other kids grew up with at least two or three in their room, with talking going on for hours.  One of my married daughters even wrote recently on her Facebook, that that night was the first night, EVER, sleeping alone!  

As I sit here in the quietness of the kitchen, hearing only the refrigerator, a fan humming in the window, and the clicking of my keyboard, I think back to the day.  It was indeed another present from God – I am thankful two of our married girls with their husbands, came home spontaneously for dinner and then took one of our girls out to a lake with them.  I am thankful for the present of my husband getting more work in.  And I am especially thankful for the relief of the humid air and being able to hang laundry out.  Tonight I had my lady’s small group and I am thankful for new truths learned about the book of  the Psalms (did you know it’s broken down into five books, and each of the books ends in a doxology??  I didn’t know this until today!  Another present!)  

My five minutes are up . . .  my son is still not home.  Argh  . . .  I am thankful my Heavenly Father is present – always.  Especially during these present times!

. . . Finish

Since several asked – yes, my son got home safely – close to 3 am.  He had fallen asleep at his friends.  My phone call woke him up!

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Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “

Posted in Faith, Family, Five Minute Friday, Grief

Five Minute Friday: AFTER Finding Joy in the Morning


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I really should just tell you to go read Lisa-Jo’s post on after today.  I can relate to her “after” thoughts.  This right here says a lot:

And holes that joy used to slip through are slowly closing over.
I’m a survivor of the after.

I am also the survivor of the after . . . many afters . . .

  • after my husband and I eloped and some family accepted after several months – other family never did;
  • after a wonderful home birth and then after two open heart surgeries for that baby;
  • after the burial of our stillborn baby;
  • after several job losses and finding a church family, 
  • after the death of my mom and no good-byes or reconciliation this side of heaven;
  • a half  a year later, after, the death of a 16 year old son, much of what time has been associated with;

after finding joy in the morning even in the grief . . . .

  • after the arrival of  our 12th born child and treasuring life and going on;
  • after three weddings in 15 months and a new daughter & 2 new sons;
  • after the continued joy and anticipation of our first grandbaby;
  • after learning and continuing to learn, that Jesus is enough;
  • after knowing I am a survivor because I am

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Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “

Posted in Family

Five Minute Friday: What Mama Did

What Mama Did

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My first thought is to not write tonight.  I missed what I wanted in a mom . . . I miss what we should have had . . . I miss  . . . I just plain miss.  There were a lot of pains growing up and now when I think of her, I wonder about her brokenness too. We are all broken people and sometimes we don’t allow the right Person to do all the fixing and for me, I am sure I wanted her to fix things or be more than she could be and my expectations were off.   God wanted to fill the gap and I wanted others to.

And as I stop and think of  what mama did I think of her hanging out the laundry and my muttering under my breath how I will never hang out the laundry but instead stuff it in a a dryer and just get it overwith. I never realized I’d miss that fresh smell in the sheets each Saturday night or enjoy watching the laundry blowing in the breeze.   Just as my kids have grumbled about hanging out laundry, I now hear one of my daughters saying she cannot wait for spring to hang her blankets outside.

The other day as my children were getting ready to go outside and play in the snow one of them complained about how their socks always get so wet even with their boots on and I told them what mama did . . . and I hated . . . putting plastic grocery bags over our socks and sticking them in the boot.  I hated doing that, especially wearing them to school like that . . . but my kids thought it was a great idea and now they do what mama did.

And though there are many things I’ve not done what mama did I have learned how to make her Swiss Steak just as good, and I can write as pretty as her cursive was too and I am still learning not to scream which is what mama did and I said I’d never do.  Yet the most important thing what mama did was to ask Jesus into her life and because of that, she is in heaven fully healed, and because I did too, someday we will both be together, fully healed and we will truly love each other.  I just wish I didn’t have to wait for heaven to know my mom’s love.

. . . finished 

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Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “

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Posted in Five Minute Friday, Meme

Five Minute Friday: BELOVED & KEPT by Jesus


Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without
worrying about getting it right “

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My word for this year is from one of my favorite verses from Jude 1:1b- 2:

To those who are called, 
beloved in God the Father
and kept for Jesus Christ:
 May mercy, peace, and love
be multiplied to you.

KEPT is my word for this year.  I am kept by Jesus.  It’s pretty awesome to me to know I will never be rejected by Him, will never be disowned and He will never turn away from me.  He won’t say He does not have enough time for me – or, I will talk to you later.  And  as I am KEPT by Him, He says I am one of His called and His Beloved in God the Father – not in some special group or religion.  Not in a specific culture or color of skin.  As Believers we are His… always His, kept as His and His beloved.  Sometimes it’s pretty difficult for my brain to wrap around that kind of complete, unconditional love.   

And beyond being KEPT as His Beloved…He wants so much more.. mercy, peace and love to be multiplied for us.  Could we really ask for more?  Isn’t that complete?  WOW!

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Below is a necklace that a friend gifted to me from KraftyKash on Etsy who makes these handmade jewelry pieces from vintage Atlas, Dictionary, Bible and Sheet Music.  It has my verse and word of the year,  “KEPT” on it and Beloved shows too!  🙂


Posted in Faith, Family, Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: AFRAID (Christians have Panic Attacks)


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My first thought when I read this word is singing Steve Green’s song, “When I am afraid I will trust in You“, many times by Jessica’s bed, both in the hospital and afterwards.  When she went into heart failure a few years ago, it was while she was trying to go to sleep.  She could not breath well.  Her chest was hurting.  And she began to cough.  Thankfully were in a hotel that was in the hospital – for an early appointment the next morning – but not for her heart.  It was for her spinal defects.  Little did we know how God was orchestrating her spinal problems to save her life- to be at the hospital at the precise moment she needed to be.  

Yet, for many months afterwards, she had a very hard time going to sleep.  She was afraid it was going to happen again.  What if?  We prayed by her bed.  We’d sing.  We’d try different distractions.  We even had to get a prescription to help her.  She’d get herself so worked up.  There were even a couple times we took her to the hospital because we just could not take chances.  Sometimes now even years later, it still hits her.  She’s kinda like her mama . . .

Fears and panics . . .  being afraid can become quite gripping.  I know.  I deal at times with panic attacks. Sometimes they hit me so out of the blue.  It happened last weekend- at a retreat I was so looking forward to – getting away.  And then some unpredictable things happened and I did not know people and it caught me so off guard. It’s not a matter of just praying it off or snapping out of it. I had to get away and calm down – which meant, leaving the retreat which was very discouraging for me.  And I am sure it was misread.  And then it makes me want to avoid more…  Ugh….

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I did not know what today’s word was going to be until 5+ minutes ago, or even where my writing would trail off to.  It was a difficult time last weekend . . . embarrassing  hurting time, yet thankful for friends who care and love.  It had been many months since I had a panic attack – and I know God can heal this too and I am thankful that I am . . . 

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Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “

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Posted in Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: AGAIN (& again & again)


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My first thought when I read this word, again, is thinking of our children when they were little and they’d say, “do it again daddy,”  when he’d throw them up in the air, and I’d wince, worrying he’d not catch them.  Or when the children ask me to read a book, again and again.  Or, the frustrations of children getting out of bed, again because they forgot to get a drink or go potty.

I think of my prayers, when I’ve said, “It’s me, again, God and I’ve blown it again with the kids and lost my patience again and will You please forgive me again.  And I am learning that God does not throw up His hands and say,  “not you, again“, and does not keep count of all the times  I come back again with the same things that catch me up and make me feel like a failure.  Instead, He reassures me to keep coming back, again and again and reminds me that His mercies are new every morning.  And if I would continually meet with Him again each morning and again throughout the day, I’d find He is enough and my expectations of others and myself can be met through Him and by Him.  

But I too need to be reminded, again.

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Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “

Posted in Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: OPPORTUNITY


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PassionTwo of my boys are in Atlanta, GA right now for such a wonderful opportunity to kick start their 2013.  They are with 60,000 other college-aged kids at Passion 2013being ministered to by Louie Giglio, Francis Chan, John Piper,  Beth Moore and music ministry of Lecrea, Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe and many more!  I wish I had the opportunity to be there, but I won’t pass as a college-aged student!

This is the fourth year one of our kids has gone – first time for the other.  I know how on fire for God our kids have come back.  It’s a major renewal for them – a revival.  Just imagine if only 1% stay revitalized – keep growing – that’s 600 kids – future leaders – cabinet members, missionaries, pastors, presidents, moms and dads.  I’d sure hope and pray more than 600 can keep going strong – take to heart the opportunity God has given them.  Of course, I hope that my boys are in the top, with being on fire for God and that they can spread it in our family, church and community.

Though we might not have this opportunity with Passion, what opportunities are we missing?  When a sermon, song, Scripture verse, a word spoken to us, touches our hearts and souls, do we use the opportunity to share it with others?  

What opportunities will you and I have in 2013 to share Jesus?  

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Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “

Posted in Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: STAY


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My first thought with this word, Stayis trying to teach our little dog to stay.  When we got him, the breeder told us, the smaller the breed, the smaller the brain.  He’s got a pea-sized brain – and I think he “knows” it.  He will not come to me when I want him, he will not stay when I want him to  But yet, he knows our car from the living room window and knows when I am going to bed.  I think he is taking advantage of his pea brain!  Kinda sounds like my kids too, when the play ignorant or “forget” something!

But it makes me think too, how often we can latch on to the pea-size brain as well.  We know God at times wants us to stay . . . . not figuring out the details, not trying to make something hurry but just to stay still, wait and see how God works it out.  working out the details.  We give it over to God one day – and take it back the next.

I think of this word stay – as in being still.  Stay . . . be still and know I am God.  (Psalm 46:10).


Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “

Posted in Family

Five Minute Friday & 31 Days: “RACE” {Day 12}


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Again, it’s interesting how blog posts of the week can all tie in together, again including this word, race.  One Bible verse that has become a special one since our son’s death is Hebrews 12:1-2:

Therefore let us also, seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising shame, and hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

I had never really thought much of this verse until our daughter was having her third open heart surgery and I was in the middle of reading Randy Alcorn’s book, Heaven.  Our son Matthew had been in heaven several years by then, and even during Jessica’s surgery, he was close in thought.  I remembered how much time he spent with us during her first two surgeries.  As I read Heaven, I really believe God revealed to me that Matthew knew what was going on – that possibly he was and is part of the cloud of witnesses, cheering us on to run our race . . . getting a peek through the heavens.  Matthew’s race was completed, but ours is not, and thankfully, Jessica’s has not ended on earth either!

We certainly need the encouragements from each other, yes, this cloud of witnesses, and most of all, from God, to keep on course and continue on the race for Him.  Galatians 6:9 is also a favorite verse and painted across one of my kitchen walls:

Let us not lose heart in doing good,
for in due time we will reap
if we do not grow weary.

So what might the Father be telling us?

I am beside you along the whole race.
I will never leaving you during the 
even when you fall down.
You will see Me in Person,
at the end of your 
but you are not
to cross the finish line yet.
Follow Me,
let Me be your Leader
in the 
“Woman, Just Believe Me”

Combining two meme’s today –
31 Days for this month and
Joining Lisa-Jo and her Five Minute Friday.
” five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right “