Posted in Books, Contest, REVIEW

One Year Bible Giveaway!



review many Christian books and devotionals, but I never want it to come across, if I say a book is a must read, that it is more important than God’s Word.  John Piper said,

” There are no “must reads” but the Bible.  None.

And I must admit, I can get into reading a book, even a good godly book that is inspiring me, and put off devotions in Scripture.  Each year I begin the new year starting again reading through the Bible.  This year I did not finish – and it’s not a bad thing.  I don’t feel defeated, because I did some pausing at spots and did some great in depth studying, sometimes with the help of devotional books.

One Bible I really like using just for reading through the Bible, is The One Year Bible NLT.  Each day’s scheduled reading includes passages from both the Old and New Testament, and then a few passages from Psalms and Proverbs. The NLT is easy to read and understand and great for older children and adults.  This year for Christmas I am getting my older children copies of The One Year Bible NLT and for the two that are dating, I am getting a copy for their boyfriends, so they can be reading together.

Another great help with using the The One Year Bible NLT is the New Living Translation Facebook page.  What a great place to share verses that have encouraged you and see what others share as well.  And every so often there are giveaway announcements on the NLT Facebook page, just as there is right now (but you have to hurry!).  Just go to the New Living Translation Facebook page to enter the Give the Word contest.  For bloggers there’s even additional options so check it out!!

Posted in Books, Contest, REVIEW

Book Review & GIVEAWAY: Putting God Back in the Holidays by Bill & Penny Thrasher


e are so bombarded with holiday commercialism that takes away from the real meanings of holidays throughout the year. Putting God Back in the Holidays: Celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Birthdays, and 12 Other Special Occasions with Purpose is an easy reading book, that is not overwhelming but gives great ideas to bring simple traditions into our homes, helping readers to make God the forefront of them.  This book covers, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Good Friday and Easter, birthdays, Martin Luther King Day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Arbor Day, Mother’s & Father’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day and Halloween.

This was written by a husband and wife team, Dr. Bill and Penny Thrasher. Putting God Back in the Holidays is a result of over 30 years of helping people realize the spiritual battles that surround the holidays.  Penny has homeschooled their three sons.  I so appreciated both of their thoughts throughout the book.  Bill begins each chapter Scripture verses and his personal thoughts of things they have done or reasons they have changed what they have done to celebrate. Penny gives her viewpoints (a woman’s touch) and at the end of each holiday, there’s a list of ideas as a summary of things to do.

Being it’s almost Christmas, I really liked the one idea they gave is from the story of Martha welcoming Jesus into her home, and starting the beginning of December with a special dinner, and setting an extra place setting at the table for Jesus, their unseen Guest.  Their conversations are directed towards Him, inviting Him to be a part of every part of their Christmas celebration.  I really like this idea.  I wonder how our family would be if we had a chair for Jesus decorated out throughout the month, as a visual reminder that He is always present and it’s HIM we are celebrating.

I did cringe when I saw that one of the holidays written about is Halloween.  I was very pleased how the author approached it, writing the truths of the roots of how it started, with celebrations honoring the lord of darkness – the death god. He shares the importance of knowing what to avoid, and not ignoring the influence of the evil one.  Yet, he shared how to still be a light in the darkness of this time.

There are wonderful, thought-filled ideas in Putting God Back in the Holidays, that can be read throughout the year, and many years to come to keep Jesus the center of our homes in all that we do and celebrate. I  highly recommend Putting God Back in the Holidays.

And, I have a copy to give away!  Just leave a comment with this post for an entry.  Write about it on your blog and/or Facebook, with a link back to this post (shortlink: Twitter this:

BOOK GIVEAWAY: Putting God Back into the Holidays @MPSpiritual ENDS 12/10/10 RT for extra entry

For each entry please leave a separate comment.  Anyone is welcome to enter, however if you are out of the continental USA, please be willing to pay for postage cost through PayPal.  Entries will close 12/10/10 @ 10 pm EST.

A complimentary copy of Putting God Back in the Holidays along with a copy to give away was provided by Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest opinion of it.

Posted in Books, Contest

TODAY! Book Giveaway: Daddy’s Delight by Dr. Karia Bunting


few days ago I participated in a book blog tour and review for Daddy’s Delight by Dr. Karia Bunting.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, recommended it, and am sure it is one I will refer back to again personally, as I found it to be a handbook type book through the various stages of a woman’s life.

I am pleased to let my readers know that the author, is giving away 5 copies of this book on her Facebook page, TODAY, June 30, 2010.  I encourage you to check out the details for this book drawing!

Posted in Books, Carnivals, Contest

Fall Bloggy Giveaway Carnival!

CFall Giveawayhelsey at Joyfully Living for His Glory is hosting a Fall Bloggy Giveaway Carnival and we are all invited to join in and participate!  The idea is having bloggers participate, sharing on their blog an item (or two) in which they plan to give away, and then linking back to Chelsy’s blog so we can visit each participant’s blog and possibly win an item  . . . or two!

I plan on participating . . . and I will give you a sneak preview.  I am reviewing for Tyndale House Publishers, a new Bible that has just been released called the Holy Bible: Mosaic NLT.  I will be first sharing my review later this week, and then on Monday, October 26, 2009,Bible Stephen Vosloo, the Senior Designer at Tyndale House Publishers and who designed the intereior of the Mosaic Bible, will be my guest blogger.  Both he and Keith Williams, the general editor of the Mosaic Bible, will be visiting my blog through out the day, to answer questions regarding this Bible.  On this day I will be opening for a drawing for a gift certificate for the Mosaic Bible and joining this in with the Bloggy Giveaway!

Posted in Books, Contest, Family

Book Review (& Giveaway!) Mom Needs Chocolate by Debora M. Coty

TMomChocolatehere is probably a mom in your life (maybe even you) that needs some encouragement.    Possibly a mom who has three young preschool aged children, or the mom who has a teenager in driver’s education.  Mom Needs Chocolate: Hugs, Humor and Hope for Surviving Motherhood is like an Erma Bombeck book from a Christian viewpoint, that will make you laugh and cry all on one page – because it fits us moms.

“After a hard day, there’s just no better comfort food than a chocolate chip cookie warm from the oven.  Or two.  Or ten.  Slice and bake was a wicked enough temptation, but now Satan himself has created those giant tubes of pre-mixed cookie dough.  They’re straight from the Fire and Brimstone Bakery. Every day I say, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” And he does.  It’s call cellulite.”

The author, Deborah Coty, a mother of two, looks for joy and refreshment in the things of every day life as a mom, from the ups and downs of marriage, teenagers, depression, the horror of embarrassing children, self-control, making positive memories, dealing with sleep deprivation, aging, self-worth, etc.  Though it’s said with humor, it’s realistic, and gives a new outlook in how to look at life, and possibly change things.

It’s tempting to pray for elimination of the nuisances and obstacles in our lives, but we must realize that the creek would never dance if God removed the rocks.  It helps to remember I Peter 1:6-7 “.

Instead of giving a frazzled mom a chocolate bar, Mom Needs Chocolate: Hugs, Humor and Hope for Surviving Motherhood would make the ideal gift for her (or yourself).  This 238 paged book is divided up into 60 short devotionals, each ending with a few questions, she calls “faith in action”.  This book would also be idea for a MOPS group or a mother’s encouragement or Bible study group at church.  It’s light, but filled with a lot of insights.  It would also be wonderful to add in as a baby shower gift.

“They’re [children] my weapons of defense against depression, isolation and boredom.  They give me joy and purpose that no one else can.  And best of all, they mirror my heavenly Father’s unconditional love for me, no matter how many mother mistakes I make.”

Mom Needs Chocolate: Hugs, Humor and Hope for Surviving Motherhood is a  delightful book offering  daily chocolate nuggets to encourage moms to make their faith a priority even as they travel  through the normal joys and trials of being a mom.

Would you like a copy?!?!?!  I have one copy to give away!  For one entry, just leave a short funny story or quote relating about your children.  For two entries, write your story or quote on your blog  (or Facebook Note or CafeMom Journal) AND about this book drawing with a link back here  & leave the link  to your post below. For two additional entries do the same and Twitter about it, with a link back here. You can use this short link too: This drawing will end on SUNDAY night, July 5th @ 11:59 p.m. EST and winner announced on MONDAY here on my blog.  You must claim your book on my blog, so be sure to come back!

Posted in Books, Contest, Family, REVIEW, Wednesdays Walk

Wednesday’s Walk ~ Remembering My Uncle & Book Review/Giveway: Classic Bible Storybook by Kenneth N. Taylor

H ave you had someone in your life that just kinda embarrasses you with their quirkiness, yet you know deep down, they are right, love God and probably have a better relationship with God than you do?  Maybe one of those people that just kind of rubs you the wrong way . . .  might it bug your your conscience?  I had an uncle that way.  Uncle Bob was my dad’s only sibling.  He never married, and lived in the inner city of Milwaukee as a missionary, in a back room of a church.  I don’t recall ever even seeing where he lived.  “It was too rough”, my parents said.  I know he did not have a stove, but used a heating burner to warm up his food, usually canned soup.   If my kids would have known him, they’d probably call him “nerdy”.  He dressed kind of dumpy – it was what was handed down to him, and he really did not care.  My parents would often give him new clothes or a new suit.  He’d give it away to someone who needed it more than he did. He’d break out in song at the dinner table., making my mom clear her voice louder than his singing, to get him to stop.  He had  a snorty kind of laugh, and he probably thought at times we were laughing with him rather than at him.  He’d put us on the spot, usually asking a question about our relationship with God, at what we thought was the wrong time, such as “did you read your Bible today?”   He knew sign language and would often talk to us that way or do it along with songs.

Uncle Bob would ride the  city bus from his church to as close to our home as the bus would come to our house, in the suburbs and my dad would pick him up.  I remember often one of the first things he’d say when he’d walk in the door was “who’d you talk to about Jesus today?” He’d go on to tell how many he talked to on the bus and about the tracts he passed out.  He would not hesitate to talk to the drunks and homeless laying in the back alleys of Milwaukee.  He called at least once a week to talk to my parents, probably because of some loneliness and to see how they were growing in the Lord.  Christmas gifts from him always consisted of some kind of Christian book or new Bible.  He died within a few weeks after I first started college.  Stomach cancer took over quickly, probably from all the nasty food he ate at the greasy local diner.  He was proud of me going to a Christian college.  He was “weird” but he was a pure example of loving God with his whole heart, soul and mind.  I imagine him good friends with Paul in heaven.

taylor1I remember very well one of the books he gave my sister and I.  It was a big hard covered Bible story book for children going through the whole Bible.  My parents read us stories from this book for many years.  The reason I share this now, is because I was given a book from Tyndale House Publishers to review, Classic Bible Storybook.  As I have held this book, seeing the pictures, and reading the stories to my little ones, it’s brought back memories from my childhood of that big ole’ Bible Story book from my uncle.  I did some research, and sure enough, that Bible storybook that my uncle gave us was “Taylor’s Bible Story Book” published in 1973 of over 400 pages, holding 198 stories.  Looking inside the cover at the publishing and copyright information of this new book, Classic Bible Storybook, it says it was adapted from Taylor’s Bible Story Book.  As I shared last week for Wednesday’s Walk, I do not hold many tangible items from my childhood, and with this book, I got a piece of it back.  It’s made me think of my uncle, the one we laughed at, yet the one who was part of laying a foundation of faith in my life.

taylor21Just as this book brings nostalgia to me, it may for you too . . . possibly from the Bible stories that were read to you as a child. Classic Bible Storybook is a collection of more than 120 Bible stories along with 3 or 4 comprehension questions at the end of each story.  The author, Kenneth N. Taylor, is best known as the translator of The Living Bible, the founder of Tyndale House Publishers and the author of many children’s books.

I am delighted to be able to give away one of these books to one of my readers! You have two ways to enter.  The first, is the easiest – just leave a comment above that you are entering this drawing.  If you want an additional chance to win, write about this book review and drawing on your blog  with a link back to this post and leave an additional comment with the link to your blog.  This book drawing will run for one week, ending on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 10:00 p.m. EST.

Posted in Books, Contest, REVIEW

The Winner of Questions from Little Hearts is . . .


Questions from Little HeartsENTRY #16 !!
being chosen by the Truly Random Number Generator.

The winner of this book, Questions from Little Hearts (entry #16) is Grace from Sandier Pastures who shared in her comment,

I have a five year old and I would love to read this to her. Thanks for the giveaway!

Congratulations, Grace! I look forward to sending you this book and I am sure you and your daughter will enjoy this together.

Thank you to all 70 of you who entered this drawing!

Posted in Contest, Family, REVIEW

Book Review: The Jeffrey Journey (& one to give away)

Below you will find my short memorial in memory of my baby that was born still, eleven years ago today.  Today is also the  36th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.  Our baby was very much a wanted baby.  This book I am going to share about today is also about another wanted baby.  This family fought for their baby’s life.  He was a “priceless gift” and their lives were made richer for having had him.

jeffrey-journeyThrough one of my other readers, I met Helen Baldwin who has also gone through the heartbreak of losing a child.  Helen sent me her book, The Jeffrey Journey.  My heart broke with her.  The two good-byes I’ve had with my two children were quick, with no time to prepare.  It was not an agonizing, watching your child die before you, death.

At six weeks of age, Helen had that gut nagging feeling that something was wrong with her baby to the point of making her sick which she called “ET” – extra terrified.  (I know that feeling.) At eight week of age little Jeffrey was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).  He had the most severe type called Werdnig-Hoffmann or Type I.  SMA is the number one gentic killer for children under the age of two.

This book is Jeffrey’s journey and their family’s journey.  Helen is blunt with what she goes through.  She shares the notes she kept  and the fight to keep her son alive.  She questions her assignment from God.  She fights to learn about the disease, and does not always  just go along with protocol.

There is hope.  Little Jeffrey’s life has not gone in vain as this mom shares his story – their story.  His life was worth fighting for.  At the end Helen writes a letter to our Heavenly Father . . . here is a glimpse of why Jeffrey and ALL babies are worth fighting for:

Because of Your generosity in allowing us to care for Jeffrey, we learned not only about him and his special needs, but more about You, ourselves and others.  We have been reminded just how unique each and every one of us is and how blessed we all are to be part of Your plan.  We also more fully appreciate Your own sacrifice to us so long ago.  And so we rejoice with You and thank You for sharing Jeffrey with us and for being with us every step of this incredible journey.

If you or someone you know is or has fought a battle for a child, this is a must read book. You can also visit the author’s website, The Jeffrey Journey.

I have a copy to give away. All you need do is leave a comment ABOVE (by title of this post) that you are interested in owning this book.  If you have a blog and leave a link back about this book drawing, leave an additional comment to give yourself an extra entry (leave the link in your comment).  Late Sunday night this will be ending, and I will announce the winner on Monday by using the Truly Random Number Generator.

On Monday I will be sharing about a new book for young children and will have another book to give away, so be sure to come back!

PS ~ Thank you, Helen, for sharing your book with me, for your on-line friendship, encouragement and for your dedication in sharing about SMA and reaching out to families with this disease.

Posted in Bracelet Stories, Contest, REVIEW

Holiday Expo Giveaway – Personalized Mother’s Bracelet

(Entries for this drawing are now closed.  Thank you to all who joined.  Please read my post above for the winner announcement and for a special for only those that have entered.  THANKS AGAIN!  This was fun!)

I am joining along with Christian Women Online at Café Holiday Expo with each participant giving something away on our blogs.  I am giving away a personalized Mother’s Bracelet (or memory  bracelet, anniversary bracelet, etc.) from Bracelet Stories.  Pictured below is one of my most recent bracelets I made for a mom of three children, but you can see over 100 different bracelets I’ve made.


The winner of a bracelet will have the option of up to five (or less) Swarovski birthstone crystals and the choice of silver, gold or a mixture of silver/gold tones and the choice of a toggle or lobster closure.  OR you can also choose the little feet charm (silver or gold) and two birthstones instead of  the 5 birthstones. I’ll need your wrist size in centimeters or inches to the nearest 1/4 inch.

Bracelet Stories began as a memory item for moms who had lost a baby to miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death.  The little feet (pictured below in logo) are the size of a baby’s feet 10 weeks after conception. Bracelet Stories has grown to making bracelets to tell women’s stories of their life, be it remembering a special friend, showing off their family, bringing awareness to a special cause (such as breast cancer) or given as a gift for graduations, bridal showers or whatever the story may be.

I recently had another bracelet drawing, and Carol won a bracelet and shares her story and a picture of her bracelet on her blog.

Here’s how to enter – and you can actually qualify for three entries.

1.  The simple way – just leave a comment  in this post only of what you’d want your story to represent in a bracelet.  Anyone can do this – whether you have a blog or not!  Be sure to leave your e-mail address as well.

2.  For another entry (must still do #1), copy & paste the logo/info below to put on YOUR blog and/or Facebook and leave the link in this post only with a link to your blog/Facebook.  (If you leave a post on both your blog AND Facebook, this will count as TWO entries.) If you are the winner, I would greatly appreciate you sharing a picture of your bracelet and “your story” on your blog after you received it.

Submissions for this will end promptly  Thursday, December 11, 2008 @ 11:59 p.m. and  the winner announced both here and at the Internet Cafe on Friday, December 12th. (I will be using the Truly Random Number Generator by numbering each entry).


I have entered to win a personalized Mother’s Bracelet from Bracelet Stories.  You can enter too by going to Writing Canvas for details & entering  by 12/11/08!

Posted in Contest

More Giveaways!


ith the Christmas season here, there’s lots of giveaways going on!  Here’s a few more!

Laurel is giving away a CD on her blog, Laurel’s Reflections.  The CD is Beautiful Faith by Higher Sounds.  You can click to hear some of the songs from it.  


Then one of my new favorite blogs is The Gift Closet. This is such a lovely site.  This gal has almost daily give-aways. And very nice give-aways.  (You will also find my Bracelet Stories graphic ad there too!)  Be sure to take a look at her site. 



Posted in Books, Contest, REVIEW

And the winner is . . .


o be announced on the author’s website, Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground, for her book,  In Faithfulness, He Afflicted Me.   Each person who entered, I numbered their entry and then used the Truly Random Number Generator to pick the two who have been selected to receive the book, which you will find on Lynnette’s website. 

Thank you all for participating and thank you, Lynnette, for sharing your book with me and two others!
