Posted in Family

Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories ~ Favorite Childhood Book

Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories
What was your favorite book as a child?
Did it influence the person you are now?


have always loved books.  For many years my dad would read a story to my sister and I before during bedtime. Once I learned to read, I read anything I could.  I hid away often in books.  I was one of those that would sneak a flashlight to read under my covers.  


My very favorite book as a child, without a doubt was the book, Heidi by Johanna Spyri.  I loved to imagine going up that mountain and living with the old grandfather and having Peter as a brother. Maybe it was because my grandpa had such a special place in my heart and I didn’t have a brother.  It seemed like the perfect life in many ways.  Now even as an adult, I love the movie as well.

How did it influence me?  Well, I have a daughter named Heidi!  I always knew I’d want a little girl named Heidi.  And now she is going to be a mama!  🙂  She loves books as well and is collecting books for her little ones. 

What was your favorite childhood book?

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Beloved KEPT Child of Jesus stumbling by faith ~ Married 33 years ~ Blessed Mama of 10 beside me & 2 at Jesus' feet ~ Homeschool mama of 26 years ~ Writer * Blogger * Reviewer ~

6 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories ~ Favorite Childhood Book

  1. Heidi was another book I kept reading. I would love to spend all summer high in the mntns at or above treeline with the flowers and fresh air.

  2. I loved it when my Dad read bedtime stories to me as a child, and we explored so many worlds and had so many adventures between the covers of some magical books that it’s difficult to pick out just one!! My fondest memories are of a book called “Fattypuffs and Thinnyfers” which was a story about a town with two types of people in it – fat people and thin people. My Dad made up a whole series of funny voices for all the people in it and I LOVED that. He read it to me (twice – once when I was really young and then again when I was about 10), my two brothers, my own daughter and my nephew. Poor old Dad, that’s love for you isn’t it!

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