Posted in Family, In Other Words

In Other Words: Sharing Paths

Quote by Henry T. Blackaby & Richard Blackaby
from their devotional book,
Experiencing God

The one word question “WHY?” has escaped my thoughts more than I can count.  Many of the why’s will not be answered until I reach heaven – and then, I doubt it will really matter.  But some why’s seem a little more fulfilled, when we see how we can use our pain, to help others.  A few weeks ago, it happened again, as we gasped out loud to read in the paper, that friends of ours, who are grandparents, lost their first and only grandchild.  The grandfather is also our dentist.  We saw the ultrasound pictures in his office, and the newborn pictures after his grandson was born.  I would often run into his wife at the store or Good Will and was shown the newest item for her little grandson and see the delight in her face as she spoke of a smiling happy baby.  How we wished the death notice we read was not their grandson, but tragically it was.  He was only 12 weeks old and died of SIDS.  Though we did not know the grandparent’s son and daughter-in-law, we could relate in many ways.  We understood the pain the grandparents were going through, trying to reach out to their son and daughter-in-law, and yet not able to “fix” their pain.  We know the pain of losing a son and a baby.   When we wrote them a card, our words were “we rejoiced when Timothy was born, now we weep with you as you say good-bye”.  Men don’t always know how to show expression, but my husband has hugged and wept with this grandfather and I’ve had the priviledge of sharing with the grandmother and remembering her grandson with a bracelet for both grandma’s and the mom.  We visited with them on Father’s Day, knowing that this first-time daddy, was not having a “happy” day.  Though wounds were reopened, it was healing, being able to share and weep with them, to be available, to walk beside them, yesterday, today, and for the many months and years ahead.   

You see, in time, this family’s road may be difficult and lonely ~ when the cards stop coming, and the sympathies seem to stop and others are hesitant in saying his name.  Yet, little Timothy’s birthday in March is forever etched on their hearts, as is his deathdate each June.  Selfishly, I wish I did not have to share their pain, that we never had buried children, or to know the path they will walk.  Yet . . .

 “God uses people. God uses people to perform His work.
He does not send angels. Angels weep over it,
but God does not use angels to accomplish His purposes.
He uses burdened broken-hearted weeping men and women.”

David Wilkerson

What have you gone through that God can use to walk beside another broken soul?  Maybe it’s cancer, the death of a spouse, divorce, or the loss of a home or job.  Maybe you have dealt with alcohol or drugs and know the struggles of being released from claims of it on your life.  Is God tapping you on your heart’s door to share with a friend or neighbor or to send a card to someone you might not even know, but know they are walking the same path you did?  How can you use your pain for His gain? 

This week, Bonnie is hosting “In ‘Other’ Words” at her site, “Ink It Blog“. Be sure to visit her site and the links to the other women who have shared on this quote.  Then come back here on Friday, for next Tuesday’s new quote for In ‘Other’ Words.
Be blessed.


Beloved KEPT Child of Jesus stumbling by faith ~ Married 33 years ~ Blessed Mama of 10 beside me & 2 at Jesus' feet ~ Homeschool mama of 26 years ~ Writer * Blogger * Reviewer ~

18 thoughts on “In Other Words: Sharing Paths

  1. Powerful. Loni, it is so true. What would be impossible alone is the thing that builds strength in us together. With great suffering comes a great anointing and we must walk in that legacy laid out before us no matter how painful the journey may be! Blessings to you sweet friend.

  2. Loni,You are just so right….we are THE BODY….I believe it with all of my heart that God takes our pain and uses it, if we allow, to be HIM to others…What powerful words here today. If we can’t use our circumstances and pains to support and help others then our testimonies are in vain, right….
    It’s through our pain, so often that others can SEE HIM….
    Beautifully said…

  3. Loni – although I’ve never experienced THAT kind of loss, there have been others. So to say I understand would not be accurate, but I do understand how much we need each other when we are in those heartbreaking situations. Thank you for sharing this post, and for sharing your own life and story with other moms. You are such an inspiration! Nina

  4. My daughter was due with her son when we heard that my daughter in law’s sister lost her little one to SIDS. We all held our breath for months after little Sam was born never uttering the unspoken fear of SIDS. Though it hasn’t directly touched my family, I have known of several who have lost their little ones in such a tragic way.

    Thanks for the reminder Loni to be a friend to those who have lost loved ones. They still need support and care for a long time AFTER the cards and visits stop. I’ve appreciated your post today.

  5. Loni,
    You have a heart that reaches out to those in pain and that has come from your own suffering. It always amazes me how God can use something so tragic to draw people into deeper fellowship. I’m blessed to hear your heart of compassion.

  6. My heart hurt but also rejoiced at the amazing love you have for people. I know it’s Christ working through you and I admire that. May God bless you as you serve Him through a heart of compassion.

  7. There is so much power in using our own pain to help others walk through theirs!!
    We are told to mourn with those who mourn, rejoice with those who rejoice, and this was a wonderful testimony of doing just that!
    Be blessed

  8. We have friends who lost a child earlier this year, and they have already ministered to and loved on several other families who have experienced a similar loss. Their love and faith amaze me. God bless you for letting God use you to bless others.

    Jamie in Rose Cottage

  9. Loni, this was great…

    How can you use your pain for His gain?

    I love the way you used this quote to teach us how to “BE A FRIEND” and use our life experiences to help others.

    You have truly been a Proverbs 17:17 friend to so many. God has used your valley of Baca to become springs for others.

    My life has been so enriched because of your testimony.

    Thank you for sharing your compassion and wisdom.

  10. Loni-
    Thank you for your words,some days I have a hard time with understanding and acceptance of Connor’s death-I know God has his reasons,and He is not wrong.
    Connor’s mom

  11. Wow, Loni! It looks like you are doing a great job here. I didn’t know that you took over the moderation. Wow–you’re a perfect fit. You’ve been doing this the longest now, huh? 🙂

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