Posted in Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: CLOSE


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he other evening, our grandbaby spent about five hours with us while her parents were working. sleepingNeedless to say, we sure did not mind.  My daughter warned me she was fussy and had not taken a nap. She was not at our house too long before I finally got her away from my other children and got a chance to hold her close, and rock her.  She rested right on me, as she watched the fish in the aquarium, and was soon, sound asleep.  I stayed in the LazyBoy chair well over an hour as I held my sweet grandbaby, her warm sweet baby breath so close and her little chest rising and falling in such sweet slumber.  I guess I treasure this time so much more, when it’s not so hurried.  

There’s a song by Jenn Johnson, Come to Me, which I love the first few lines:

I am the Lord your God,
I go before you now.
I stand beside you
I’m all around you
And though you feel I’m far away
I’m closer than your breath
I am with you
More than you know

Though this song says how Jesus is closer than our own breath, I think of how I could hear, feel, and even smell my grandbaby’s breath, and Jesus is even more close than that, never taking a break away.  A a mom, there are just times I NEED a break, away from the kids, where I don’t have to hear, “mom when are we going to eat”; “mom, I’ve nothing to wear”; “MOM, she hit me”, “Mom do I HAVE to do ALL these math problems?”, “Mom, I’m still hungry”, “Mooommmm . . . ” til I am ready to SCREAM! I remember when I had several young ones, and it would seem like I had little cling-ons. They were just sometimes too close, too much. Yet, Jesus never tires of us, and WANTS to stay CLOSE – closer than my breath – or my sleeping grandbaby’s breath.  It’s hard to fathom sometimes, but yet, can be so comforting.  

He does not tire of our hurts and pains, and  He wants it known that He is close to us.

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

. . . Finish

fiveWe write for five minutes flat.  All on the same prompt posted here at 1 minute past midnight EST every Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the hashtag #FMFParty (It stands for Five Minute Friday Party).

No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.
Unscripted. Unedited. Real.